Mission and Vision
Our Mission:
Food for the Soul is a Christ-like ministry providing food and shelter for those in need in Kershaw County.
Our Vision:
The vision of Food for the Soul is to provide meals and shelter for those in need in Kershaw County by:
- Providing meal(s) and working in cooperation with others to use our available resources to best serve the hungry in our community
- Providing extreme weather shelter and additional shelter for those who qualify on a needs basis
- Maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for our guests, volunteers and staff
- Being good stewards of our resources in furtherance of the mission of Food for the Soul
- Providing additional assistance to encourage and support those who seek to become self-sufficient through partnerships and other community agencies
Our History
The Dream
Before 2008, Food for the Soul was just a dream, a vision held by several Kershaw County residents to share Christ’s love in a radical way. They saw a need among their hungry and homeless neighbors and had faith that God would make a way forward.

The Path
In December of 2008, two local residents left money in their estates to serve those in need in Kershaw County, providing the seed money for what would become Food for the Soul. By December of 2010, Food for the Soul completed construction on its Camden facility, located at 110A East DeKalb St. Camden, SC 29020.
The Early Years
In 2011, Food for the Soul began serving lunch to a daily average of 44 people every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Later that year, we opened our doors as an emergency overnight shelter during inclement weather.

The Dream in Action
Today, Food for the Soul continues to pursue its mission with several free meal programs, emergency overnight sheltering and year-round homeless sheltering. Our shelter provides access to clean laundry, showers and caring staff who work diligently to help break the cycle of poverty and get people back on their feet.